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Contributions to Welsh Economy

Shiraz Mohamed, is a coffee shop owner with a passion for blending, not just coffee, but people. Driven by a passion for coffee, since discovering the multiple benefits of not just coffee but what a coffee shop space can offer, enlightened him to visit many in and around England where he noticed a distinct difference of the independent coffee shop owners. Now Shiraz is making his dreams come true by running his own coffee shop business. Back in October 2021, Blend was brewed and ready to take the Welsh coffee industry in a new direction. His intention was to create a space in the heart of Grangetown that attracted people from all walks of life, often separated by race and class.

Founder: Shiraz Mohamed

I asked Shiraz, why he felt the need for such a unique perspective? He replied, “within the coffee speciality industry I didn’t really see many people from diverse backgrounds owning them, so I decided to start my own, being from a Welsh, Pakistani background, could open doors to new coffee enthusiasts”. Shiraz feels very fortunate in that he was offered an opportunity to learn the ropes, with multiple coffee shop owner, Ian Broody, who offered Shiraz, a job at Brodies coffee shop in Gorsedd gardens, opposite the National Museum of Wales. Shiraz believes that Ian’s background of living in Luton, which has a high diverse community, may have been the reason why he wanted to give him a chance, as he said he applied for many jobs in Wales and was always knocked back.

Shiraz has dreams of expanding into other areas of Cardiff, but wants to focus on ‘gentrified’ areas, because he wants to provide opportunities for young people and use local people to provide products, such as the lush array of delicious cakes he has on sale. He believes offering opportunities to gain experience, will change the look of independent coffee shop owners of the future. Some of the challenges Shiraz has faced so far are normal business issues, such as concerns around rent increases and having a regular cash flow, to pre -order stock. But his ambition to own his own white label is something that he would like to explore, once his second shop is open. Before that, Shiraz plans to introduce filter options and has read extensively to expand his knowledge. I loved Shiraz’s answer to how he overcomes challenges. He said that he believes everything happens for a reason, putting his faith in Allah and seeks help through patience and pray. His philosophy, is that when obstacles occur, Allah is trying to teach us something. I feel that having faith, is fundamental to having a solid bedrock, not just for the ordinary trails of life, but can also help whilst embarking on a business venture.

I asked Shiraz, if you won £50,000 what would you do with it? He took no time is saying he would help people, particularly victims of the current earthquake situation in Turkey and Syria, where over 30,000 people have lost their lives, homes and hope. He also said he would help people within his local community. Shiraz, said if there was anything left, he would invest it in opening Blend mark 2. It was lovely to speak with Shiraz, at BE.Xcellence, we love to support, spotlight and promote, new start-ups, and Blend was one we really wanted to shout about. So, if you are in the Grangetown area, or passing through, stop by Blend and grab yourself a flat white and a slice of cake, I am sure you will blend in!

If you are passing, pop into BLEND.

191 Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 6FR

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