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With Wales having been colonised by the English, we have lost our language and adopted English, forgetting our mother tongue. I believe it's crucial to reclaim our language and instil it in my generation and those to come. I am a freelance journalist for Xcellence magazine and for my contribution to this issue, and here are some insights from my peers on the importance of learning Welsh.

Do you think it is important to learn the Welsh language?

Emilia: Being Welsh is a part of our heritage, I was born in Wales and speak quite a fair amount of Welsh because of it. Seeing as we live in Wales and it's part of who we are and where we're from, I think that it's extremely important we learn the language. It was the language originally spoken in Wales, and to keep the language alive, we have to teach it to the generations that come after us. Otherwise, we will lose part of us. The Welsh language is  an important aspect of our traditions and, therefore, I think everyone should be at least familiar with it.

Fred Gerrard: I think that it is important to learn the Welsh language because it is an important part of our culture and can teach us a lot about where we come from.

Holly Hunt: I do think that it’s important to learn Welsh, as it is where we come from and it’s our heritage and it’s a shame that not many people in Cardiff speak Welsh and I almost never hear it anymore,  so if we were all able to at least have a conversation in Welsh it would bring back the language, so yes I do think it’s important.

Do you find it difficult to learn it?

Emilia: I have been taught Welsh since I started primary school and although I am not fluent I know everything that's been taught to me. I didn't really find learning Welsh very difficult. I started with smaller words and sentences and as I've gotten older it has gotten more complex, but I have been able to use Google translate to revisit my Welsh books from school so it hasn't been overwhelmingly difficult.

Fred Gerrard: I don’t find it difficult to learn Welsh, because there are lots of ways in which you can make connections with the English language to help you remember certain words/sentences.

Holly Hunt: I really enjoy learning Welsh in school and I’m quite fond of it, however, sometimes it is a challenge but when you have the people and the resources to help you out it’s not so bad!

Are there enough opportunities to learn Welsh?

Emilia: I think because most people in Wales, or at least in my area of Wales, speak English there have been less resources for learning Welsh than English. But, I've still had access to everything I personally needed to help me learn the language.

Fred Gerrard: I don’t think there are enough opportunities to learn Welsh even though it is the language of our country, so I think it needs to be more commonly spread so everyone should be fluent in Welsh.

Holly Hunt: Oh, definitely! There are plenty of opportunities to learn Welsh in Wales. Welsh is one of the official languages of Wales, so you'll find lots of resources, classes, and communities to help you learn and practice. It's a great way to connect with the local culture too!

Do you feel Welsh? And if not, why do you not feel Welsh?

Emilia: I don't really feel very Welsh. Most people around me speak English and I myself speak English and I often travel between England and Wales. When I travel, I feel the same in both countries. There is no particular feeling of Welsh in me, especially not when everything I learn and speak is English.

Fred Gerrard: I feel Welsh because I know that I am proud to wake up knowing where I live and the opportunities I get being Welsh, and I feel that I get to be part of something which is a lot of people in this country all standing together. To me, to be Welsh is to be part of a country that stands as one, and that has a unique history, and things that you will only find, like national pride, in Wales.

Holly Hunt: Yes, I do feel Welsh especially when I’m maybe walking somewhere with lots of reminders like monuments and they make me feel proud to be part of this beautiful country. Being Welsh for me means being a part of the wonderful culture and heritage of Wales! It means embracing the Welsh language, traditions and values. It's about celebrating the rich history, beautiful landscapes, and communities that make Wales so special. Being Welsh is like having a deep connection to this amazing country and its people.

In honour of the resilience and spirit of the Welsh people, let us reclaim our language and preserve our heritage for generations to come.

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