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Aleighcia Scott - Radio Cardiff

By Luchia Ellul Alimikhena

During half term, I got to host my very first radio show on radio Cardiff's weekly show called the BOMB! I am truely following in the foot steps on one of my idols, Aleighcia Scott, who presents her own show on BBC Radio Wales. For those who don't know me, my name is Luchia, and I am 11 years old. I love to sing and started at the age of 4. I have have had the opportunity to preform at events such as Black History Wales, and the Butetown Carnival. I am enjoying school and learning more about the arts, music, producing and interviewing skills. Here are two interviews I did recently with Aleighcia Scott and Lucas Rowe, both amazing Welsh artists!

Interview with Aleighcia Scott

At what age did you realise you would be a singer?

I don’t think there was a realisation, I used to sing all the time as a child, my family could see it was something I was meant to do, and they helped to nurture my talent. I used to attend a youth group, where we got to sing and perform and I remember my first real performance at 7 years old, I just knew from that moment it was what I wanted to do.

Do you ever get nervous?

Yes, every single time. But I think it is a good thing because it shows you care. You have to channel it into the performance.

What music did your parents play in the home and did it influence your style?

I listened to a whole mixture of genre’s which I think has helped me to develop range and a unique style. However, my grandparents are from Jamaica so, I would say that had an influence on the type of music I love performing.

When did you start writing your own lyrics?

I started writing at a very young age, I used to walk around my cousin’s farm making up songs and I also loved writing poems at school too. As a child, I loved reading and writing, I was a bit of a bookworm, so I would say that taking in all of those words, helped to develop a love of lyrics.

What do you think about a young person starting out in the industry using social media to promote themselves?

I think that it has its place because it can show people what you can do, it can show consistency and showcase your range. I am also very mindful, that social media can be a dangerous place, so I would say, be careful and just use it wisely.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?

It would have to be Bob Marley, Denis Brown, Lauren Hill and Amy Winehouse, sorry I can't just give you one. So what is next for you? I have just started working in TV, so I will be on the screen soon. I have a new album coming out called, Windrush Baby, as well as lots more radio.

What advice can you give a young person starting out?

Just be yourself! do not compromise who you are, people will appreciate you more if you are authentic.

I get nervous performing all the time,

but that's a good thing, it shows you care!

I got to perform on Aleighcia's song called: Conscious Queen - That's me at the end!



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