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National Museum of (Cardiff)Amgueddfa Cymru New Heights.

The National Museum (Cardiff) , hosted the first MOBO event at the Reardon lecture theatre on January 27th. The music extravaganza entitled New Heights, was free entry and aimed to provide a opulent space for Welsh artists to perform in a public building that is usually used for educational, historical and scientific purposes. The event organised by Aaron Schoburgh and team, will be a regular feature, offering music, spoken word, poetry, and short films. The first event featured artists, Ogun, SZWÉ , Anwar Siziba and Miss Faithlee. It was a fantastic evening full of pure talent. New Heights also screened two features in response to the BBC 100 in Wales Exhibition. The titles share with us the contemporary Black experience. Highlighting Barriers faced, expressions of joy, belonging, and a much-needed nod to the enriching impact that Black communities contribute to creating a culturally diverse Wales.

Liana Stewart, who directed Black and Welsh, produced by Catryn Ramasut, ie Production, was the first showing. This short documentary consists of interviews with people, sharing their experiences of being Black and Welsh. Most explain that their dual identity has often been questioned, met with questions such as ‘but where are you really from’? The impact of having such experiences invalidated their Welshness at times and made them second guess their sense of belonging. Others expressed how negative remarks, made by teachers, would suggest that aspirations of wanting to do law as a career was met with negativity and discouragement. However, Sheldon did go on to study law and did so at Cambridge. Another lady called Jaqui, mentioned that she would be labelled by work colleges as ‘Black Jaqui’. The same theme resonated, what does it mean to be Black and Welsh, well, in conclusion, it means to be pretty darn lucky! The second film was created by a young musician and composer Sizwé Chitiyo, from South Wales, who looks at MOBO in Wales. MOBO also known as Music of Black Origin, is a huge genre consisting of hip-hop, soul and jazz, and is a rich and vibrant scene with many fans and followers.

In this documentary, Sizwé shines a light on some of the issues and barriers Welsh artists can face. He also introduces us to the Honey Sessions, a musical initiative for performers and creatives dedicated to uplifting the genre and showcasing the talents of young Welsh artists. Through the Honey Sessions, we hear the stories of rising Welsh stars and how the initiative is helping their voices to be heard. By the time this magazine goes to print, New Heights will have showcased their second event on the 24th February, and every month thereafter. So, if you want to support up and coming Black and Welsh artists, check out: for dates and details.

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