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Race Equality

Updated: Jun 26

Humie Webbe: the leading light in our anti-racism work

Humie Webbe joined Practice Solutions as an Associate in late 2022, after being involved in the conception of the Welsh Government’s groundbreaking Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan. Humie now provides training to organisations that are proactively seeking support in implementing the plan. 

Freelance EDI & Disability Specialist. - Humie Webb.

Our Developing Healthy Organisations programme was recently expanded to include specialist Developing an Anti-Racist Workforce training. We are excited to share a conversation with Humie about how our guidance and support can help your organisation on its journey with implementing the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan. 

Years of experience and a personal investment.

Humie has extensive experience in supporting Welsh Government and many other organisations with equality and diversity, and a long, rich history of community advocacy work in communities across Wales. 

“I’m heavily invested in the outcome of the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan,” says Humie. “It means a lot to me as a person from a minority ethnic background in Wales, as my background is Caribbean, and also as a female who has a hidden disability, and as a working carer of an adult son with autism.

“I specialise in delivering equality, diversity, and inclusion training. I’ve worked extensively in the public and third sector for about 30 years, delivering projects that I would say require high level stakeholder engagement.

“I’ve got a background in youth and community development work, cultural arts and music education. I’ve managed a range of projects, from community regeneration to cultural heritage programmes.”

Starting your journey to becoming an anti-racist workplace.

In March of 2023, Humie delivered training to our core team and some of our Associates, which focused on how the Anti-Racist Action Plan was developed, the people who informed the plan and the process before its release.

She then facilitated a conversation to help us clarify Practice Solutions’ own journey towards becoming an anti-racist workplace, helping us to identify what we are doing well, and how we can take action to make meaningful change. 

“My training is very much based on conversations that people might not have been comfortable to have. It comes from a point of people wanting to do better, wanting to learn more. But at the end of it, what I like people to do is come away with the fact that they can do better and can do more.”

Giving people the confidence to challenge discrimination.

“I look at what people have done really well and harness that, so it becomes good practice naturally, says Humie.”

Led by Humie’s multi-faceted approach, our Developing an Anti-Racist Workforce training focuses on the key areas where your organisation needs support. This could include: anti-racism awareness; reverse mentoring; de-biasing workforce policies and practice; and navigating conversations with confidence and compassion.  

“I want people to be motivated. I want them to be enthused by equality, diversity, and inclusion. I want them to feel confident that they can challenge where they see discrimination or poor practices, because it’s that confidence that enables people to make those small changes.”

Small actions lead to massive change.

is very worthwhile, because even small changes can make a tangible difference to people’s lives:

“What people consider to be a small action is a massive action for communities who are at the receiving end of poor service.”

Equally, her approach is to work with organisations at the point where they are, without judgement: 

“I don’t want people to feel that they are pressured to do something that they’re not ready for, that they are not equipped for, and that they have no desire to. So, it’s about those organisations saying, ‘okay, we might not be able to do the whole thing, but we are committed to doing this’.”

Is your organisation making a commitment to becoming an anti-racist workplace? 

If you would like some expert advice and support contact Humie by email.

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