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‘The Council Of The Elders’

The elders all do gather

In the here and now and then

The council of the elders

Liberty, parchment, pen.

In the heartbeat of the Senedd

Where history today is made

Past, present and future

In step we take the stage.

It was in the aftermath

Of World War Two

A war-torn Britain,

Harsh, cold and blue.

Opened its doors

To the Windrush group

War veterans, Commonwealth Citizens

Among the troop.

Answering the call

From the promised land

Your homeland country needs you

Are you willing to take a stand.

Come, come, your mother country needs you

you’ll find a welcome here

Your education system is akin to ours

You’ll fit in well, no fear.

Help us to build this nation

From the decimation of war

Come, honour your beloved country

We need you, we implore.

Departing on the Windrush

For King and country same

To a distant land known as home

They sailed to unknown gain.

The Windrush found no welcome

In the homeland they believed they knew

Faced discrimination and rejection

The promise proved untrue.

They lived in poor cluster neighbourhoods

In Cardiff and Tiger Bay

Among Somali and Yemeni people

And other settlers who paved the way.

And as is oft repeated

Throughout time down the track

The Windrush group are pioneers

Who’ve put us on the map.

That they may teach others

From the wealth of experience, they have gained

In building blocks for others

Through their struggles, they’ve attained.

So dearest Windrush elders

Sing your stories clear and loud

That your voices rise to uplift us all

Above the noisy crowd.

Add to the bank of knowledge,

Pray your truth. Do tell

On this 75th anniversary

Let's fill and swell the well.

Time is littered with oral histories

Backstories from worlds afar.

They are part of the national landscape

The chronicle of who and where we are.

Let’s refine and build the new narrative

In this timeless arterial wall

For the pioneers who came before us

And the loved ones who stood tall.

Let's build a bridge for everyone

And positively embrace

A shared sense of vision,

for the human race.

The footprint of our neighbour

Is entwined within our life

And of the many who've passed before us

In struggle and in strife.

We are all kindred spirits

In the quest for life’s chance

Let's share a common future

Let’s partake and Dare to Dance.

©Copyright Yvonne Howard-Bunt, 2023

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