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Time to Talk

Updated: Jun 26

Our Mission

BAMEed Wales is committed to empowering educators from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds and anti-racist allies in Wales.

Promoting Workforce Diversity

We advocate for diversity within the educational workforce, striving for an inclusive and representative teaching community that actively challenges systemic barriers.

Advocacy for Anti-Racist Education

Dedicated to promoting anti-racist policies and practices in educational settings, we ensure a safe and equitable learning environment for everyone, addressing systemic barriers that hinder this goal.

We support members through our Time2Talk sessions which are Cardiff, and soon to be Swansea, based safe comfortable spaces. Our members have the opportunity to share the positive and negative experiences they are facing today.

Sue James - Chair of BAMEed Wales

My home town of Bargoed and my Guyanese roots have given me a wealth of experiences and insights into attitudes towards race. The enrichment of having dual heritage is undeniable, but also creates a range of challenges too. Navigating your way through a society often in denial about its racism leaves you 'gaslit', absorbing the toxicity of racism unchecked. I became a teacher to make a difference to children who shared my experiences of society, to challenge the stereotypes of people with my heritage - Welsh Valleys and black. After over 30 years in education having been a primary class teacher, Headteacher and currently a Senior Lecturer for Professional Learning in Education, I have at last found a community of people who have given me an opportunity to examine my own lived experience in a safe space, Time2Talk and, through the Network, a chance to explore how to hold power to account, raise awareness of issues with the hope of transformation. I have through membership of BAmeed Wales found my voice and, where possible, I'm using my privilege to endorse change by becoming an Anti-racist Activist.

I was honoured to be elected Chair of BAMEed Wales last year. It is a thrill to be engaged with passionate educators who are committed to changing things. We are fortunate to have a government who acknowledges racism exists in our society and that words alone will not eradicate this. The Welsh Government has committed to becoming Anti-racist Wales, by 2030. In education they have mandated the teaching of our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Welsh stories, recognising this is our land, we have contributed to its rich history. Sadly, the need to challenge the status quo remains necessary. In recent years, in our schools, instances of racial bullying have led to deaths, physical injuries and numerous traumatic experiences for our children and young people. The Children's Commissioner for Wales report in 2023, highlighted the issues clearly, (if you thought it's better today).

Audre Lorde said “Your silence will not protect you”, a lesson I am conscious of now, realising change requires action. BAMEed Wales is a space for you to help work towards achieving the Anti-racist Wales 2030 ambition. We offer you a space for your voice to be heard and where possible ideas are actioned. Come along if you need to be heard or just involved. 

Lillian Martin -Vice Chair of BAMEed

As a British-born East Asian, I found 2019 particularly challenging with the rising hate crime against the Chinese diaspora around the world. This was when I was invited to join BAMEed Wales. At first, I was hesitant about acronyms and labels, but I decided to be brave and joined. At the time, I had been in education as a teacher for nearly two decades. Over that period, I sustained the 'Model-Minority' myth and was complicit to non-racist attitudes with my silence.

Being an active member of BAMEed Wales and part of a supportive community has made me more courageous. It is continually upsetting that we live in a world where racial prejudice exists. However, it is within all our gifts to gracefully learn from others and actively listen. It is also within our capacity to consider how we act and to be truly kind and inclusive.

My particular interest is to remove barriers for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic educators so they have a fair opportunity for entry into the profession and promotion. Statistics from the Education Workforce Council tell us of a learner population of 12%, that there are only 3% of teachers identifying as being Ethnic Minority. Being in BAMEed Wales has deepened my resolve. I want to be the voice of our members to tackle systemic barriers and create the support that our members need.

Our members are not only Minority Ethnic educators but also allies. If you feel you can help our cause or are seeking a community to belong, please get in touch with us.

Gemma (Primary School Teacher)

Since joining BAMEed, and regularly attending the meetings and Time2Talk sessions, I've been able to see the work going on behind the scenes to create equitable work spaces for those from the Global Majority. I've met the most supportive people, have listened to their stories and had my voice heard. It's given me the confidence to apply for roles and opportunities that I wouldn't have necessarily considered had I not met with the members and had their opinions and support. It's also made me feel very optimistic for the future for staff from Global Majority communities, knowing the work going on to create equitable and comfortable work spaces and the support network that's there when those spaces don't exist. It's a long journey, there's a lot of work to be done, but with groups such as BAMEed Cymru in our corner, I know those changes are coming and I'm here for it!

Attia (Primary School teacher)

Being a part of the BAMed Network is an incredibly enriching experience. Networking with other professionals in the Education field fosters meaningful connections, allowing for valuable knowledge exchange and professional growth. The regular meetings create a safe space for professionals to gain support from fellow members who are always there willing to listen and help. Being a part of the BAMed Network has been invaluable in feeling a sense of belonging and companionship within the Educational field. Also, helpful resources regarding training, Welsh curriculum, BAME students/experiences are easily obtained through fellow members who are working either with universities or partner organisation with the same aims and goals.

Khadra (Secondary School Teacher)

My time in the BAMEed Wales Network has been transformative, providing not only a platform for professional collaboration but also fostering a sense of personal growth. Through this invaluable community, I've found a refuge – Time2Talk became more than just a space; it became a sanctuary where seeking understanding, validation and mentorship is not just encouraged but embraced. Being part of BAMEed Wales goes beyond professional networking; it encapsulates a profound sense of belonging that has eluded me elsewhere. The organisation has become a cornerstone in my Anti-racist journey, offering information, events, workshops and other opportunities for growth.

Time2Talk has been a beacon for dialogue, creating an atmosphere where shared problems find understanding and solutions. The Network has taught me that a problem shared with the right individuals, at the opportune moment and with genuine intentions, becomes not just a shared burden but a collective triumph. BAMEed Wales has been more than an organisation; it has been a catalyst for personal and professional empowerment, illustrating the profound impact of unity within a community committed to fostering understanding and mentorship.

Zara (Primary School Teacher)

BAMEed Wales Network has been a tremendous source of support for me, both as an educator and a person of colour. Within the Time2Talk sessions, I have found a safe space where I can openly share my experiences of racism, both past and present, with individuals who understand and empathise because they, too, share similar backgrounds. It’s so important that new and established teachers of colour have support networks such as this to guide and support, throughout their careers.

Please get in touch with us to join or become an ally to our cause. 

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